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Usher Hi-End Floor Standing Speaker

Usher Hi-End Floor Standing Speaker Production Process



  • Excellent video, Gowa, thanks for posting.
    No wonder they cost so much to make . . .

  • Usher had some spectacular drivers, definitely miss that option in the DIY world.

  • @6thplanet said:
    Usher had some spectacular drivers, definitely miss that option in the DIY world.

    Yeah, it kind of sucked when they pulled out of the market. The Dayton reference tweeter is possibly the most missed driver in the history of DIY.

    I have a signature.
  • It's amazing to that PE didn't disect some and reverse engineer it. Surely someone besides Usher could uild them.

  • That's how we got the RST28 :'( Probably some specialty materials that is made to Usher specs

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Yup, total bummer.

  • @jhollander said:
    That's how we got the RST28 :'( Probably some specialty materials that is made to Usher specs

    That or PE's crack team can't count number of voice coil turns, keep track of the number of voice coil layers, or measure the wire's diameter. All of the other geometry is just as easy to measure with a few units giving up their life for some destructive testing. Seems China is quite stellar at copying US IP... the US copying China, not so much :'(

  • Definitely dropped the ball on that one.

  • The Usher 8945's and 8955's were the class of the 8" world for many years. I used the 55's in a set for one of my golf buddies. He still raves about those speakers, 10 years later.

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